Sea to sea
face to face
I traversed
Mountain to flat, then depth
Gathered sunsets
and rises, red light in
the mind, just a celluloid
stain now, smoking
under the bulb.

Of when the cloak of night
flapped slower as
I sped against
the wind. Dirt crested
like surf above my head,
I at the foot, sky obscured
by something altogether blacker.
Only light was from
a thin vein of men,
spilling up against the current, each
alone in its cell,
flame-eyes scanning ahead.
The fir forest murmured words in the wind.

Colder than cold was
the road to the peak
in the circling night.
Colder than cold were the frozen
tears from the sky, and softening ice.
And slicker than slick did
they flood the road, that barely gripped
under packed snow.
And faster than fast did I have
to gun down the slope,